I remember reading a poster that said something like "If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done.". That was some 25 years ago.
It is still so true. You may plan all you want... but before something big, the last minute is all that remains between you and success!
Today we have been running all over the city trying to get all the lists completed... buying all the stuff we need to carry... meeting all the people we need to... goodbyes and all!
The day started with our physiotherapist at Ergon and the final instructions on how to 'keep fit' over the next 75 days. He has given us a 5-10 minute routine every morning and evening to keep all the muscles properly stretched. These 'moves' have helped us on our past drives and we have remained pain free. But this was not our usual 30-40 day trip... this was twice as long... so some extra care.
We picked up loads of stuff from Grand Sweets and Snacks... basically snacks that will remind us of home... they have the best Potato chips. Then we also picked up some of their pickles and rice-mixes. These are life-savers when you want to eat something other than the Alu and Paneer that are bound to be our 'staple food' once we cross into the himalayas. We ask for plain dal-chawal and add these pickles whenever we feel home-sick.
Living in Chennai we don't seem to have too many 'winter clothes'. So we picked up some of those at the sale in Lifestyle.
We also spent sometime at the Sansung Service Center getting Prabha's netbook fixed... that is going to be the primary Internet connectivity tool over the next 75 days.
In the midst of all this Prabha was on the phone with our friends from Hammock Holidays. Hammock is a pioneer in customized holidays all over India (and the world actually) and they are coordinating the accommodation and bookings along the way. They are so excited about this trip, that Dilip tells us he is working the next two days - even though the office is officially closed for Ramzan and Vinayaka Chaturthi!
We stopped over to see Prabha's aunt and uncle (Radha and Ramani), to say goodbye and also to pick up some old veshtis (aka Dhiti, pancha, Lungi). The cloth in these 'used' veshtis are really great for cleaning the front windshield... another old trick!
And exhausted after this "last minute" day we decided to enjoy a relaxed dinner at GRT Grand. We always seem to end up there for good food, good service and a relaxed evening. Today, we were in a hurry to 'eat and leave' but as we got talking about our drive to all the GRTians... we realized it as past 11.
Got to go... pick up Haliaetus tomorrow... Drop Yoda at Shekas and buzz off...
no sweet , only exercises okay.
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